samedi 18 novembre 2006
Caught By Shadows ...

Etre ...

Etre, est-ce la vie qui importe ? Est-ce la vie qui compte ?
Vivre, essayer de survivre et conserver l’être,
Jamais heureux, pensant au “Rose“, que la vie ne comporte
Toujours affamé, toujours assoiffé, ça ne vaut pas le coup d’être !!
Sourire, rire, se moquer de l’autre et de soi,
Essayant de trouver le bonheur, ne cherche pas le bonheur !!
Trouve toi un chemin, regarde l’autre, regarde moi,
Toute une vie, essayant de trouver le bonheur, je n’ai eu que les malheurs !!
Suivant les sourcils, suivant le front, suivant le vide !!
Pourquoi chercher trop ? Pourquoi penser haut, si on a devant ?
Exhiber le sourire, cacher le pire, soit pas aussi stupide !!
Suis ton chemin, tu y arrivera, commence à faire marche avant !!
Ta vie tu retrouvera, ta vie tu gagnera ! Patience !!
Détermine ton besoin, trace ton destin, n’attend pas le “Rose“,
Soit tu l’oublies, tu vivras en noir, toujours en absence !!
Soit tu la cherches, tu vivras en blanc, mais jamais en “Rose“
Oublie ton passé, vis ton présent, cherche ton futur !!
Baisse jamais les bras, le combat a juste commencé,
Suis ton instinct, change ton destin, trouve ton futur !!
Tu y arriveras un jour, j’en suis absolument sûr !!
Ainsi tu t’apercevras que ça a vraiment valut le coup d’Etre !!
Et Si C'Etais ...

ResemblanCe ...

Just to have a think, to find out our resemblance
To the sky, to the sea, to the earth and to us
Our life run away and we still dont know it
I always wanted to stop you when you say
"Viva life", i know it's your beautiful mind
That make you so happy, so kind to say
"Viva Life", but it's not so simple to live
This way, that way, you think i have a black mind
But not, you're wrong, it's not my mind, but our life
You remember our resemblance,
To the sky, to the sea, to the earth and to us
Take a moment, and help me to realize
If we're like the sky, where's our shining sun?
The blue sky is so vaste, so beautiful
Can we just stay in our open hall?
To observe people saying "beautiful couple"
Im afraid we cant, so you think we resemble
To the sky, no!!!! never!!!!
The large sea, deep as my thoughts
So mysterious that just his creator can know it
But we still have, in spite of all
People saying, "Wow!!what a wonderful sea"
Can we resemble to sea, you just know the answer!!!
Now, come with me, and have a look, to the earth
Awful, soiled, poisoned, dirty, obscene and many more
We cant deny it, because it's the reality
Now we will have a trip to the moon,
Looking to the earth, what can we say less than "Superb"
And we know that we can never resemble to the earth
We just resemble to us, you and me
But can we live together, im afraid not
Because life dont allow us to be together
Just because one day, you will say,
"You're not the man i loved before", and i will understand you
Because this is me, changing everyday, every moment
To live, like life wants, the chameleon is my sign
He knows how to change with time and space
To live however life wants, whatever he looks like
He will live, with many resemblances
And he will die, with one, just one resemblance
To a chameleon!!!!!!!!
Last Wishes ...

Lapse Of MemorY...

Sittin’ in my dark ‘N’ cold room
Tryin’ to remember something i know
Can’t find the name, but it’s here
Somewhere in my mind, hauntin’ my thoughts
Troubles ‘N’ weakness kill out my breath
Can i just remember? That’s what i want
Im still tryin’ but it seems to me out of reach
What’s happend to me? So confused, so afraid
Is this the beginning of the end?
Hope “Yes”Cuz i can’t go on, it’s killin’ me softly
Nobody by my side, to help me give in
Don’t wanna give in but what to do?
Life’s so hard to be lived this way
At the moment, sleepy, smokin’ the last one
Even the smoke let me down, disapear ‘N’ let me alone
The lapse of memory, i heard about it
But never i believed in it, don’t know why
Maybe God’s testin’ me to believe
But i hate tests, at least this kind of tests
That make me leave my world, my body ‘N’ my soul
Wanna get rid of this soul but don’t know how
Im so weak to think about suicide
Leavin’ my dark ‘N’ cold room
In the middle of the night, goin’ out
To escape my pain, everything’s so calm, so tender
But not me, still tryin’ to remember but nothing
Waitin’ for God’s help to hold my pain
To rejoin my dark ‘N’ cold room
Hope that’s only me, sufferin’ alone
From lapse of memory, cuz if u wanna kill someone
You don’t have to use guns, just wish him
To suffer from lapse of memory !!!!
If ....

HoW LonG ???

Many years passed, and I still have that feeling
That makes me weak, cryin’ for you and for my wasted life
Can I stand more? I hope I can … As so I can go on
In a way, am confused and much more afraid from future
That I don’t know, that I can’t anticipate… So, blind I’ll walk
Brave hearts fight, don’t give up, to glory or to death
I’ll fight, not for glory, but for my life…
I must winAnd hope see you again, to wipe off my pain
To make me laugh, to make me scream and to light up my life…
How long should I stay in this dark, that kills me softly?
Screamin’, cryin’ and fightin’ without hope, without aim
The sun shine and rise, but my sky has no sun, so dark
Even stars, refuse to give me a little light, a little hope…
How should I go on? Without you, blindness is death,
Can’t stand more, screams and shouts break my feelings
Feelings… That lovely word, that misses me so much
What have I done in my life, to deserve this pain, this horror
Am gonna repent now, only Great Lord can help me
How long could I live, I hope live enough, not for me
But for you, to beg you forgive me, and thenOnly then,
I can go in peace, cuz you’ll be always in me.